National Training Team

Marine Corps Recruiting Command Logo
Marine Corps Recruiting Command
Quantico, Virginia

Conduct and/or monitor all MCRC courses pertaining to the function and performance of region, district, and recruiting station personnel; maintain systematic recruiting doctrine; and develop the career recruiting sales force in order to ensure Marine Corps Recruiting Command is postured and enabled to effectively and efficiently attract and recruit the required quantity, quality, and diversity of officer and enlisted personnel.


The National Training Team (NTT) conducts training courses to educate and enhance the abilities of newly assigned Marines within MCRC billets in all districts and regions. Courses are designed to familiarize students with their respective billet roles and responsibilities associated with recruiting operations in an effort to educate and enhance their abilities.

Each course will teach specific skills, develop management capacities, and collaborate on best practices in the recruiting environment.


Provide course specific training focused on preparing designated MCRC billet holders to effectively support the MCRC mission through their assigned responsibilities.

Assistant Recruiting Instructor Course

Purpose. To provide career recruiters assigned to an ARI billet with the specific knowledge and skills associated with the ARI role. All Marines assigned to an ARI billet will attend the next available course.

Basic Prior Service Recruiter Course

Purpose. To provide Marine NCOs and SNCOs with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively perform the duties of a Prior Service Recruiter.

Career Recruiter Course

Purpose. To improve the capabilities of newly assigned career recruiters to prepare them to successfully lead, manage, and develop the recruiting force. All newly appointed career recruiters are required to attend this course.

Executive Officer Course

Purpose. To familiarize newly assigned Executive Officers (XOs) with the roles and responsibilities associated with the recruiting station (RS) XO billet. All Marines assigned to the billet XO will attend the next available course.

Marketing and Communication Course

Mission. MCRC MAC will conduct MAC Courses at the Crowne Plaza Dulles Airport in Herndon, Virginia. Per Operations Order 01-24, this course will teach newly assigned RS MAC Marines how to successfully manage and execute RS MAC operations that will positively impact officer and enlisted mission attainment.

Operations Course

Purpose. To familiarize newly assigned Operations Officers (OPSO) and Chiefs (OPSC) with the roles and responsibilities associated with recruiting station (RS) operations. All Marines assigned to these billets will attend the next available course.

Officer Selection Assistant Course

Purpose. To familiarize Officer Selection Assistants (OSAs) with the process of becoming a Marine Corps Officer to improve their effectiveness in selecting and processing Officer Candidates. All newly assigned OSAs are required to attend this course.

Officer Selection Officer Course

Purpose. To introduce Officer Selection Officers (OSOs) to basic recruiting practices and Officer Selection Station activities to prepare them for a successful tour as an OSO. All newly assigned OSOs are required to attend this course.

Prior Service Recruiter SNCOIC Course

Purpose. To develop a Prior Service Recruiter (PSR) SNCOIC’s ability to mentor and train on all aspects pertaining to prospecting, selling, and servicing their areas of responsibilities, thus enhancing the potential to generate quality joins and have a successful tour on recruiting. All newly assigned PSR SNCOICs are required to attend this course.

Recruiting Instructor Course

Purpose. To prepare newly assigned Recruiting Instructors (RIs) and improve their capabilities in training, planning, sales, coaching, communications, recruiting station billet specifics, and leadership techniques. All newly assigned RIs are required to attend this course.

Recruiting Management Course

Purpose. To improve the capabilities of newly assigned RS command group members to prepare them to successfully lead and manage a recruiting force at the RS level. All newly appointed RS Commanding Officers, Sergeants Major, Executive Officers, and Operations Officers are required to attend this course.

Region District Onboarding Certifications and Training

Purpose. To conduct certifications and onboarding training for all region and district members to educate and enhance the abilities of the recruiting force through continued professional development.

ARIC 1-25  03/03/25 to 03/14/25
  2-25 07/07/25 to 07/18/25
  3-25 08/04/25 to 08/15/25


BPSRC 1-25           10/15/24 to 11/22/25        
  2-25 01/06/25 to 02/13/25
  3-25 04/28/25 to 06/05/25


CRC  1-25  01/06/25 to 01/31/25 
  2-25 03/31/25 to 04/25/25
  3-25 06/02/25 to 06/27/25
  4-25 09/02/25 to 09/26/25


XO COURSE       1-25                              03/17/25 to 03/21/25                            
  2-25 07/21/25 to 07/25/25       
  3-25       08/18/25 to 08/22/25             


MACC  1-25     02/03/25 to 02/14/25  
  2-25 09/08/25 to 09/19/25


OPS COURSE         1-25       
                      03/17/25 to 03/21/25                        
  2-25 07/21/25 to 07/25/25
  3-25 08/18/25 to 08/22/25


OSAC 1-25   10/21/24 to 10/25/24     
  2-25 04/14/25 to 04/18/25
  3-25 06/09/25 to 06/13/25


OSOC 1-25   07/07/25 to 07/25/25      


PSR SNCOIC      1-25                                10/07/24 to 10/18/24                         
  2-25 03/03/25 to 03/14/25
  3-25 06/09/25 to 06/20/25
  4-25 07/07/25 to 07/18/25


RIC    1-25  05/05/25 to 05/15/25 


RMC  1-25   03/03/25 to 03/14/25   
  2-25 07/07/25 to 07/18/25
  3-25 08/04/25 to 08/15/25


RDOCT   1-25               08/18/25 to 08/29/25        

1. Coordinating Instructions

     a. TECOM is responsible for funding travel and lodging for students only, via a funding letter. TECOM will not fund students who live within the National Capitol Region as described in references (a) and (b).

     b. Students will only execute travel on approved TECOM-funded authorizations. Students that execute travel on unapproved TECOM-funded authorizations become the responsibility of the parent command.

     c. Recruiting support officers or other reservists attending the courses will need to make contact with Reserve Affairs Personnel Management (RAM-2) or their local command to arrange funding and school seat.

     d. On designated travel date, check into the CROWNE PLAZA, 2200 Centreville Rd, Herndon, VA 20170. 

                                                                                                       (link provides information about the hotel.)

     e. This course is being offered in-person based on the latest DoD travel restrictions. Instructors, students, and all visitors will strictly adhere to all Centers for Disease Control mitigation guidelines. An email will be sent NLT 14 days prior to convening date confirming, modifying, or canceling the course.

     f. Review the MCRC Formal School Preparation Guide for further instructions (Enclosure 3).

2. Administration and Logistics

     a. Administration

          (1) Authorization and Travel Voucher. Travel authorizations and voucher submissions are the responsibility of the attendee’s local command.

          (2) Travel. Travel is the responsibility of the attendee.

          (3) Funding Data. Once CG TECOM (4611) appropriation data is generated, each student is slated for a school seat, their participation is expected. They will then receive a funding letter.

          (4) Attendees will use the Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) Program for this course. Contact your local agency program coordinator for any questions pertaining to the GTCC.

     b. Logistics

          (1) Transportation

                (a) Students will schedule their flights into Washington Dulles International Airport (IAD) arriving NLT 2359 on the day prior to course start date; students are authorized, and encouraged, to depart the day after the course concludes. Scheduled travel arrangements will not interfere with planned course events on the final training day. If an attendee chooses an alternate airport, a cost analysis is required. The total cost to use the alternate airport including ground transportation cannot exceed the directed airport total cost (screenshots are required).

                 (b) The following ground transportation options and estimates are provided to aid in travel or cost analysis:

   1. Rental cars are authorized at the discretion and expense of the attendee’s parent command. If authorized by student’s parent command, a separate DTS authorization and voucher will be created, approved, and settled for all rental car expenses through parent command’s DTS approval chain. TECOM/NTT will not fund any rental car related expense.

   2. Attendees who select Ronald Reagan National Airport (DCA) as an alternate airport should use a taxi from the airport to the Crowne Plaza. Taxi Fare is $60.00, this is an estimate excluding tip (one way). Taxi fare to/from DCA is reimbursable.

   3. Attendees arriving at IAD should use the Crowne Plaza shuttle service. Make shuttle service requests at least 72 hours in advance by calling (703) 471-6700. The following link explains shuttle service.

   4. Attendees within local travel distance, which is less than 400 miles or eight hours travel time, are encouraged to use government-owned vehicle transportation to the greatest extent possible.

              (2) Lodging and Messing

        (a) Lodging. The NTT will reserve lodging at the Crowne Plaza Hotel for all course attendees (this is not optional). Rooms are reserved based on names provided by each region and changes to the original submission should remain minimal. The cost for lodging is $133.00 per day.

        (b) Defense Travel System

1. Attendees will skip the travel lodging screen.

2. At the Pre-Audit Trip screen, attendees will provide justification to approving official, selecting codes L2 and L10 and adding the following statements in the comments box:

        a. “Due to mission requirements lodging is pre-arranged by the MCRC NTT at an approved government contract rate of
$133.00 a night.”

        b. “Lodging is limited to the maximum for the locality. Meals and incidental expenses are paid at the commercial meal rate. Hotel taxes that are incurred are only reimbursed based on the maximum lodging rate.”

        c. Messing. Government messing is not directed.

(3) Uniform

      (a) Classroom. Business casual civilian attire: collared shirt, slacks, and dress shoes (1 suit or sports coat/blazer is

mandatory). Courses longer than 2 weeks are required to bring Dress Blue Delta or Dress Blue Charlies based on season.

      (b) Physical Training (PT). No PT is scheduled.

      (c) Liberty. Appropriate civilian attire.

(4) For additional questions, please contact the appropriate course head listed in the Points of Contact.

Training & Systems Integration, Branch Head
NTT Training Officer
NTT Chief
NTT Course Chief
NTT Executive Recruiting Course Head
  • Recruiting Management Course
  • Executive Officer Course
  • Operations Course
  • Recruiting Instructor Course
  • Assistant Recruiting Instructor Course
  • Region District Onboarding Certification Training
NTT Officer Procurement Course Head
  • Assistant for Officer Procurement Course
  • Officer Selection Officer Course
  • Officer Selection Assistant Course
  • Human Resources Assistant Course
NTT Career Recruiter Course Head
Prior Service Recruiting Training Chief
Basic Prior Service Recruiting Course Training Chief
Instructional Systems Specialist
Management and Program Analyst


**Click on the billet title to send an email to that point of contact.**


Marine Corps Recruiting Command